Wind turbine parts arrive in Ogdensburg by ship and rail

Kirk Ramsey, Ogdensburg, drives his tournament ski boat past a ship holding wind turbine tower sections Wednesday on the St. Lawrence River in Ogdensburg. Credit: Jason Hunter/Watertown Daily Times
The Port of Ogdensburg has seen increased activity in recent days as the main components of a new wind turbine project roll into the facility by both ship and rail.
On Wednesday, the 143- meter, 9,000-ton general cargo ship Morgenstond II, sailing under the flag of the Netherlands, made port in Ogdensburg.
The ship’s main cargo included stacks of white tower sections that will be used to construct a new wind farm near the hamlet of Churubusco in Clinton County.
The huge blades for the turbines will also be arriving at the Port of Ogdensburg, but instead of coming by ship, are arriving at the port by train.
Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority Executive Director Wade A. Davis said the turbine blades are so large that one propeller fills two flat bed rail cars. He said once the blades arrive at the Port of Ogdensburg, they will be placed in storage until they can be transported to Clinton County project site by tractor trailer truck.
Mr. Davis said the influx of new turbine parts both by ship and by rail is another example of the important economic role that the Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority plays across the north country region.
“This is a great example of the Port of Ogdensburg contributing to the economic vitality of the region,” Mr. Davis said. “The public will soon see increased activity at the port and at the rail yard as the blades and towers continue to arrive by both boat and train.”
The Morgenstond II general cargo ship, moored at the port on Wednesday, was built in 2007.